Make Your Opinion Count and Tell Us Why Your City Stands Out

In the UK we adore our cities, they get under our skin and become part of us. Fiercely protective of our homes we also love to see improvements such as the funding that’s turned Liverpool around and new arenas that bring bigger names to our towns.

British flag

Now we’re giving you a chance to have your say on your city, to tell us what you love and let us know what you’d like to improve. Your voice will be heard by people who have the power to make change happen, which means you could be responsible for making your city an even better place to live!

Imagine, having control over where money is spent in your city, seeing facilities come to life that make your city stand out. From parks to bowling alleys, better transport to rejuvenations, you can let funders know what you’d like your city to be.

Start the survey now!

Your Opinion Matters, Don’t Keep it to Yourself

This exciting opportunity is due to the launch of Clear Channel’s new online community. Clear Channel are eager to discover what makes good cities great in the UK. They want information from you, the people that live in the heart of the action every single day.

By taking part in the survey you will help build a better future for yourself and your children. You can have your say on aspects of the city that frustrate you, along with favourite spots that make it feel like home. You can share your views on how the city should be in ten or twenty years and you can make suggestions for improvements right now.

You’ll join others that live in your city as you come together to discuss the best bits and the worst bits, all in the knowledge that YOU are playing an active part in improving your city from the heart.

Who Are Clear Channel?

Quite simply, Clear Channel are the ones with all the money, they have the funds to invest in your city to make it a better place for you and for big businesses such as Microsoft. These big brands already have their ear to the ground, listening to find out which city deserves their investment the most. Together, we can bring them into your community creating jobs, enhancing the town, bringing more money and improving your city from the inside out.

Clear Channel are ready to invest in major cities right now but they know that to be successful they must follow your lead, they must listen to your views in order to launch projects that please the locals as well as new businesses.

They know this is your home and nobody knows it better than you, that’s why through this partnership they are asking for your point of view.

How to Take Part

To become an essential part of making your city a better place you must be aged between 18 and 34 and live in one of the following cities:

  • Birmingham
  • Bristol
  • Cardiff
  • Glasgow
  • Leeds
  • Liverpool
  • London
  • Manchester

Start the survey now!

If you call any of these places home, take the quick survey now and show your love for the city you live in!