Surveys for Money

Taking paid surveys online is one of simplest and quickest ways to boost your earnings or provide you with some extra cash or vouchers to save for those times of the year when your purse is stretched. Your input is highly valued by manufacturers of new and improved products, and if you're someone who enjoys giving your opinion, you will no doubt be excited to know that your voice goes some way towards influencing what ends up on on the shelves.

Taking paid surveys online can also be a fun and engaging experience - and what could be more satisfying than earning money for doing something you enjoy?

Printed survey

What Skills or Requirements are Necessary to Take Part in Paid Surveys?

Completing surveys online requires concentration - whilst taking surveys can be fun, it is still important that you can focus on what's being asked of you, as a mistake can alter the result in a way that isn't helpful. Surveys are also easy to fit in around your daily routine and any family obligations you may have; but you will need to organise yourself a little by checking your emails regularly if you don't want to miss out on some of the more lucrative invitations. Registering with a number of panels will help you to make the most of your earning potential, but be sure to spend a little time filling out your profile to the fullest - this will ensure that you are sent surveys that are relevant to you, what you buy, and your lifestyle.

Much of the skill involved in taking surveys is using your demographic information to put you on the radar of specific research. i.e. if you are a 30 year old stay at home mum with 3 small children, you will no doubt receive plenty of survey invitations on anything from food products, toys and children's clothing, to household goods, home furnishings and baby care products. Use your information honestly and correctly, and you will benefit hugely from the possibilities it brings.

How Much can be Earned by Taking Part in Surveys?

Being an active survey panelist means you will receive exciting and engaging surveys which can pay anywhere in the region of 50p - £50. The amount paid for each survey depends on the subject matter, the level of detail or any perceived complication there may be in the survey, and the length of time it takes to complete. Some surveys lead to a trial test of a product that may take a few days or even weeks to complete, and you will be paid more for this type of research. Furthermore, you could be asked to take part in a 1 or 2 week long discussion group panel or a focus group - these types of survey related activities can pay anything from £5 -£75, or even more in some cases.

What are the Pitfalls of Taking Paid Surveys Online?

Just about anything in life has its negatives as well as positives, and taking surveys online is no exception. There will be plenty of sites promising huge rewards for very little effort - but there's no such thing as earning money for doing little or nothing in return. Your time and concentration will be required as well your opinion - so beware of any potential scams offering you a quick route to earning cash in this way. It's also worth noting that no legitimate website will ask you to pay a fee in advance (either for taking surveys or for them finding the best sites for you to sign up with). All of the best survey sites are free to join, and they won't associate themselves with any of these fee based websites.

It's possible that some alarm bells won't go off in your head until you've spent some time taking surveys, but you'll soon move from novice to experienced. In the meantime, remain cautious about anything that appears to be not quite right within a survey. For example, if you feel that the questions are a little too probing, i.e. they go beyond what is personal, or if you are suddenly asked to buy something or provide bank details, then exercise caution before proceeding. Remember, whilst honesty is the best policy in taking surveys, you are under no obligation to provide sensitive information such as bank or credit card details and no reputable survey company will ever ask you to do so.

Carrying out a search on the internet will put in you in touch with many different survey sites, each one offering various rewards. Take some time to read the information provided on the sites, and it's also worth reading some of the reviews that other survey panel members have provided - this will give you a balanced idea of which sites are the best ones for you, and which ones you won't want to waste your time with.

Be Part of a Growing Online Community

Taking part in paid surveys online is becoming increasingly popular with home workers and people with a little spare time on their hands. As well as being part of exciting panels where you can earn cash and High Street vouchers, there is an active and growing community of survey takers on the internet who are all networking, learning and supporting one another in their efforts to make the best of their earning potential by taking paid surveys.